





Effectively Eliminate Harmful  Bacteria

Add Laser Bacterial Reduction therapy, commonly known as gum disease laser therapy, to your regular dental cleaning and get an elevated level of protection against bacteria induced oral health issues including periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay and gingivitas. This painless and quick procedure stimulates the gums to heal and regenerate, decreasing risk of bone loss. Current research suggests eliminating harmful bacteria in your mouth may also educe your risk of heart disease,  diabetes, alzheimer's and more.

The procedure uses a specialized laser to target and destroy bacteria under the gums in 'pockets' that can be difficult to access otherwise. Here are a few facts to know about Laser Bacteria Reduction;

  • Most effective when done at every cleaning with a 4 month duration between treatments
  • Provides better resistance to infection and gum disease
  • May reduce the risk of bacteria entering your body through your blood stream, potentially causing serious issues
  • Allows access to areas under the gums that are not accessible by other techniques
  • There is no pain or discomfort during or after the procedure and it only takes about 5 minutes

Both Dr. Mangas and Registered Dental Hygenist Mildred are specially trained to conduct this procedure and have detailed knowledge of where it's most effective and how it can positively impact your oral health.

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